The purpose of the Networks is to support art and design teachers in developing their teaching practice and delivering excellent art and design sessions at all levels. Network meetings are either online or face to face either at a host school or the Whitechapel Art Gallery.
This group meets three times a year at the Whitechapel Gallery. The focus of the meetings is agreed by the participants but always includes a visit to the current exhibition, practical work inspired by the exhibition and some focused discussion on current local and national issues affecting subject leadership. The participants value having the space and time to explore different techniques, discuss the work of artists, share practice and offer support and suggestions to their colleagues.
We always welcome new participants and if you are interested in participating please contact the team at:
The secondary Network meets 2 – 3 times a year and is run by Rachana Vaja. It is a supportive forum to share good practice, engage in discussion and facilitate the development of teaching and learning in Art and Design. We have excellent partnerships with University of the Arts, London and the University of East London who always support and contribute to the meetings.
All members of the network are active participants in Art Matters. If you would like to join the Network, please contact Rachana